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Why Ghost Light?

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The tradition of the Ghost Light dates back hundreds of years. It is a single light bulb kept lit when the theatre is empty. Before the advent of electricity, the theatre was lit using gas-fueled lights. So to prevent unintentional fires, one flame remained lit throughout the night to burn off any excess gas. Also to keep any late night occupants safe on the dark stage.

However, there is a more unique reasoning for this tradition: The ghost light burned so that any spirits that inhabited the theatre had a light by which to perform. This kept the spirits happy. A happy spirit is less likely to interfere with a performance. The last person to leave the theatre lit the ghost light, while the first to arrive the next day extinguished it.

To us at Ghost Light Studio, it's more of a symbol. A symbol that the theatre is never truly empty, never truly closed. It's a symbol that those of us at Ghost Light will always be here; even though we may close for the night, we'll be here for you again soon. It's a symbol for the love we have for our family and friends, our community, and theatre at large.

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Mission Statement

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Why We Do What We Do

Ghost Light is a performing arts studio dedicated to building a safe, fun, and immersive experience for all performers. Where you can be taught new things, train your current skills or simply have a place to be yourself without fear of judgment! We strive to knit the community together through laughter, tears, art, and above all else, love. We believe in accomplishing this through support of not just our theatre, but of all the theatres around us in the flourishing artistic community of Middle TN... 

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